6 Minimalism Life Lessons I Learnt Along The Way
Minimalism is a journey. I don’t think I will reach a stage in life where I can say that I am now a 100% pure minimalist, or rather I don’t want to reach a stage like that. I want it to be a gradual learning process – a process in which each day I discover something new about myself that has changed along the way, something that I have started incorporating subconsciously now, something that reminds me that I am on the right path. And I want this to last forever. I want to be able to identify new aspects in life that I can apply minimalism to. I certainly don’t want it to be limited to clothes, shoes, bags etc. I want my entire being to be in sync with the idea of minimalism.
Minimalism is not about limiting, but in fact it is about freeing yourself from the clutches of limitless options that we are presented with in today’s world, that has sadly made us feel more suffocated, insecure, and constricted.
What has minimalism taught me?
It is hard to have a concise and definitive list of what I have learnt but these are some lessons that stand out more to me personally than the rest of them. I am sure this would be different for different people and so it is not necessary that the lessons I am listing down below would be the same for you. However, what I am certain is that if you are still reading this and this continues to interest you until the end, then I’ll be successful in at least igniting a tiny spark within you. And let’s see where it takes you from there! 😊
- Sense of fulfillment is within and NOT found anywhere else
There will always be a list of things that you feel will make you content as soon as you have them. Sadly, that’s never the truth. We know very well by now that list is endless. You start looking for the next thing even before this one has arrived at your doorstep.
This has been my single most defining moment. The minute I started to dig deep inside for fulfillment, things changed. I no longer give external things around me the power to make me feel good.
2. Staying away from distractions
It is impossible to be able to browse a site or watch a video without being reminded a million times about an item that you may have searched for on Amazon. What was once a matter of convenience has now become a trap we cannot escape from. I understand it is hard not to give in. So, what do you do then? Well one method that has worked for me is to resist impulse buying. I make a list of things I want to buy and wait for a few days, months even. Every time I revisit the list I ask myself, if I still need it? How have I managed without it in the past few days? If the answer is compelling enough, then I but it. If not, it is taken off the list.
3. You get to decide what minimalism means to you
As I have mentioned before, there is no set definition of what minimalism means. There is no rulebook which has a ‘101 things a minimalist can or cannot own’. You may find a few people trying to put you down with some of your choices. What is important is understanding that YOU get to decide what minimalism is to you. YOU get to decide what brings value to your life and what doesn’t. So, the minute you stop trying to convince somebody else of why they need to accept you as a minimalist, you can be free to set your own definition!
4. Experiences can be life-changing, materialistic things not so much!
When I look back at all my travel experiences, what instantly fills my heart is the joy I felt at looking at the Florence dome, or walking through the narrow streets of Venice, or seeing the Northern Lights in Norway 😊 What I wore, how I looked, how many likes did any of those pictures get never occur to me anymore. Personally, that is enough for me to want to spend on experiences that would last a lifetime!
5. It is okay to start slow
I used to beat myself down every time I strayed away from what I thought was the “right thing” to do. This self-doubt was not helpful in any way. Soon I realised that being kind to yourself is not important but necessary to help you stay the course. It is okay to start, give up, start again, and fall a few times. Give yourself the love you deserve!
6. Don’t treat minimalism as a TREND
As everything on the internet today, a new concept becomes a fad, a trend that everybody wants to be a part of. Minimalism is being treated in a similar fashion and it is heartbreaking to see that. NO! we don’t need quotes, notebooks, fridge magnets that say I am a minimalist!! What is even the point then? The sooner you start doing this for yourself and not to show the world, the better you will feel about this in the long run.
So those were my main life lessons, but the beauty of this journey is that it teaches you something new every day, every minute that you decide to be intentional with your living.
What life lessons have you learnt from your minimalism journey?
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