Is it time for Coffee yet?

Nestled in the heart of what is considered the world’s coffee capital, Melbourne, it is hard to ignore that the city’s pulse resonates with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As the sun rises, amidst the bustling streets you will find people rushing to their favorite cafes, driven by the craving for that morning caffeine jolt.

It’s a sight almost poetic in its simplicity: hoards of individuals entering cafés seemingly preoccupied only to come out with steaming cups of comfort and genuine smiles. I am not exaggerating — it’s a genuine transformation.

Even during my morning commute to work, the scene is a familiar one — countless individuals sipping away on their coffee bracing themselves for what the day has to throw at them. Amid the rush-hour bustle, it’s evident that for many, that cup of morning coffee is more than a beverage — it’s the essential spark that kickstarts their day.

I watch around and reflect on how different my connection with coffee is.

I am having my coffee at 9:45 AM today. Yesterday I had it at 3 PM and the day before it was 5:30 PM. What is the point I am making, you ask?

My coffee time varies significantly from day to day. This inconsistency reflects my ability to find moments of comfort and pause whenever I need them. Whether it’s the late afternoon sun or the early evening calm, my coffee becomes a companion that helps me slow down and appreciate the present, regardless of the hour on the clock. Just as the timing varies, so do the moments I choose to embrace, making each cup of coffee a reminder to slow down and relish the moment.

For me it is an experience. Instead of getting me “going”, it is a time where I press pause on life’s hectic pace. Whenever I hold that familiar coffee cup in my hands, a sense of calm washes over me. Those stolen moments with just me and my coffee are a reminder to appreciate the small things and find joy in simplicity.

In the midst of my daily routine, I choose a time during the day when I know I won’t be disturbed and will be allowed those few minutes of stillness. And that is when it is time for coffee!

I enjoy the ritual of sitting by myself and sipping on my coffee and letting my thoughts flow endlessly. It is these few moments that remind me to be present and mindful. It is this slice of comfort that I look forward to from the moment I open my eyes in the morning.

As everything around me fades away, leaving me and my cup, a simple pleasure that helps me reset and recharge, the world can wait!

I’ll be eager to hear from you about your personal connection with coffee 😊

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